Christian Living

Spiritual Life

abortion and life

Abortion is not God's solution to an accidental pregnancy. He is our Creator who has a plan and purpose for each precious life forming in a mother's womb. 

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Bible Teachings on Abortion and Life

You're pregnant! You are afraid, confused, angry ... and feeling very much alone.

From a biological standpoint, there is absolutely no basis for believing that human life begins at any time other than conception.

Seek God daily and His will for your life unfolds before you.

Though the world pushes frustration, sin, and hopelessness at you – there is inspiration to live and know what is to come is eternity. God is...

Questions about Abortion and Life

Afraid of being judged, ashamed of my decision, believing I could heal alone, I shared my pain with no one.

Abortion is definitely wrong. It is the taking of a human life. It is my feeling that abortion is tantamount to murder.

Why are we even born if we are only to die some 70 or 80 years later?

Devotionals about Abortion and Life

We are surrounded by countless wounded women and men who have fallen for the lie that abortion is the solution to an unplanned pregnancy.

Every day is a new day where we can make decisions that influence our life, either positively or negatively.

Adopting three sisters from Ukraine revealed parallels that exist in our adoption as God's children.

Since Jesus says we are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, let's pour on the flavor and shine the light.

Adoption. What a beautiful concept. And it was God's idea!

All Devotionals on Abortion and life

Videos about Abortion and Life

Amy was 38 and pregnant when she received devastating news from her doctor. Amy and her husband Bobby faced a life altering decision no matter what...

Kirk Cameron talks about the joy of being a real life and movie adopted father in his upcoming film, “LIFEMARK,” in partnership with the Kendrick...

Is It Too Late To Change?

Former Planned Parenthood director turned Pro-Lifer, Abby Johnson, is paying it forward by teaching others how to offer love and compassion in her...

In her book, “Survivor,” author Claire Culwell describes how she chose to forgive her birth mother after discovering a shocking revelation.

All Videos on Abortion and life

Articles on abortion and life

What does God’s voice sound like, and what might He say to us?

Abortion is a war on God, the Creator of Life.

Supreme Court of the United States at Sunset

Gender, Abortion, Religious Liberty: Supreme Court Tackles Giants in New…

Does the term "sex" apply to sexual orientation? What about gender identity? Abortion. Religious Liberty. These are the monumental issues...

The heart of abortion is a gospel issue, not simply a behavioral issue.

I wondered if I’d made the right decision by making an adoption plan.

All Articles on Abortion and life
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